I just released my first flash in many years. Hopin all goes well for it, put some seriouse time and devotion to it. And also, I'd like to take time in this journal to special thank Kpheeyat for his amazing job at voice acting all lines but one.
You'd think I'd be interested in taking a break, but oh no good sirs. I'm interested in starting a new project right away. Back to the drawing boards, back to basics and time to rebuild.
Alright I'm not going to overdo that anymore at all. Anywho, I might get back to this journal a bit more often. Perhaps post a picture screenshot of the next project at work. We'll see how it goes.
Till then good people of Newgrounds, see you all around.
I liked the ending, it was funny.
Thanks, and duly noted for next time. Glad you enjoyed it.